Poliuretanos Summa Woodbridge

Soluciones de EPP

a medida

Revoluciona tu industria con soluciones avanzadas de EPP—polipropileno expandido: duradero, ligero y versátil.

El Polipropileno Expandido (EPP) ofrece beneficios incomparables en múltiples industrias. Desde sus propiedades ligeras y resilientes hasta su excepcional aislamiento térmico y acústico, el EPP es el material preferido para soluciones innovadoras y sostenibles.

*Amplio rango de densidad y alta relación resistencia-peso
*Excelente absorción de energía y protección contra impactos
*100% reciclable y rentable
*Diseño versátil y fácil de ensamblar

Soluciones de empaque para logística

Reduce daños y desperdicios. A

Más allá de la rama automotriz

Mejora de componentes industriales

Aires acondicionados
Sillas gamer

Excelencia técnica y beneficios incomparables

Consumer clinics, 3D laser scanning, component and material testing, onsite reviews, and expert analysis and reporting.

We collaborate early on with our customers to aid in bringing new products to market.
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PSW's Corporate Deck
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Sample NDA
Let’s redefine what’s possible for your production line. Together, we can navigate the challenges of today’s economic landscape, enhancing your operational efficiency while maintaining the highest standards.
We believe that in a world where a personal approach is key to get you the most of your return.
Customer focused
Exceed customer demands with global solutions for all industries.
Top Class Performance
Seek for excellence, provide top performance products.
Product Innovation
Innovative and differentiated products.
Integrity and Respect to People
Basic principles in which our foundations rely.
Social & Environmentally Responsible
Committed to protect our society & environment.